Experts in Action- Small Group Dinosaur Sample Sessions

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These 7 DVD videos (over 8 hours) show certified therapists (Dr. Webster-Stratton and Dr. Reid) conducting actual small group child treatment groups using the Dina Dinosaur Social, Emotional and Problem Solving Program. These videos show examples of group leaders conducting each of the 7 programs including: Rules, School Behavior, Feelings Literacy, Problem Solving Steps, Anger Management, Friendship Skills and Terminating the Sessions. The children in the groups range in age from 4-8 years and have a variety of problems including Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Social Withdrawal, and Developmental Delays.

A leader’s guide includes questions to think about in regard to the group leader’s skills as well as Dr. Webster-Stratton’s interpretation of the collaborative leadership skills being used by leaders with the children.

These sessions illustrate how to work with groups of children with a variety of problems and how to make the small group activities and practice exercise developmentally appropriate. In addition, group leaders demonstrate effective group management strategies such as praise, incentive systems, distractions, redirections, use of differential attention and ignore for targeted negative behaviors, Time Out for aggression, and logical consequences. Behavior plans are developed for each child in the group.


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