Teachers Promoting Social and Emotional Learning Program

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The Teachers Promoting Social and Emotional Learning Program is a supplement to the Incredible Beginnings® and Teacher Classroom Management Programs.  It includes a leader’s manual with questions to facilitate discussion, and DVD (42 vignettes, 88 minutes).

We have selected 42 of our favorite vignettes we’ve recorded over the years, featuring preschool teachers using Incredible Years teaching strategies and methods with culturally diverse populations in Head Start centers and an early childhood center. These vignettes were selected because they provide examples of interactions not shown in existing programs, such as: teachers using puppets to model and practice social skills; using feeling charts and the calm down thermometer; making seamless transitions from circle time to small group activities; and promoting problem solving learning on the playground using the Wally puppet or by coaching peer problem solving.

These vignettes provide culturally diverse examples of teachers and children.  In these vignettes, you will see teachers demonstrating how to promote language development, use social and emotion coaching, use proactive teaching strategies to manage transitions, and implement positive behavior management methods. You will see teachers motivating children with “super friend” awards, green patrols, and puppets who help children learn self-regulation and calm down skills to manage conflict.

You can choose to add 2-3 of these supplemental vignettes to each workshop day topic. The Incredible Beginnings session protocol indicates which supplemental vignettes go with each topic. Additionally, these supplemental vignettes may be used as part of ongoing consultation or “booster” training sessions after you have completed the standard TCM or IB training protocol. Group leaders who are using the Classroom Dinosaur Curriculum may also find the vignettes helpful to enhance their work with children in the classroom.
